• Saif Healthcare Limited
  • Kulsum Plaza, 2020 Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 051-8446666

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Centers Of Excellence

We offer a wide range of medical, Interventional and diagnostic services.

We are
Kulsum International Hospital


The Kulsum International Hospital has an outstanding team of highly qualified doctors supported by professional staff experienced in their respective fields and is equipped with advanced medical and surgical technology.

About us

We offer a wide range of medical, Interventional and diagnostic services.

Pakistan has one the highest incidence of heart diseases (Cardiovascular Diseases - CVDs) in the world. Deaths due to cardiovascular and heart diseases in Pakistan have reached about 200,000 per year. Men and women are at equal risk. Research shows that burden of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) will increase in the future. Cardiology patients now need access to quality healthcare services more than ever.
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Department provides general and specialized consultancies for all types of heart problems. Cardiac Surgery team constituting of cardiac surgeons, anesthetists, perfusionists and OT technicians offer comprehensive surgical treatment for all adult & pediatric cardiology and cardiac diseases.
Pulmonology department serves to manage patients suffering from various disorders of lungs like Asthma, COPD, Tuberculosis (TB), Pneumonia, lung cancers, interstitial lung disease etc. Following investigations are performed for the diagnosis.
Spinal Surgery
Spinal Surgery
Human spine is a complex structure, made up of 33 individual bones known as “Vertebra”. These are supported and connected together by ligaments and muscles, giving them the stability and flexibility it needs to function and move. It also provides a protective shield to the spinal cord - a highway of nerves that connect s body and brain.
The Department of Orthopedics at KIH is headed by eminent orthopedic surgeon who has expertise in treating orthopedic problems involving the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and the nerves. We have expertise for injuries in limbs and joints. Total hip & knee replacement are routine procedures carried out here. Patients are provided support on specialized orthopedic beds and post operative rehabilitation.
General and Laparoscopic Surgery
General and Laparoscopic Surgery
The surgical team and anesthetists perform major surgical procedures like laparotomies and thoracotamies. At KIH we have introduced new and most modern of surgical techniques. Minimally invasive surgery, also known as laparoscopic or keyhole surgery to patients has recently been developed in the field of general surgery with the advancement of technology.
Our Doctor

Our Dedicated Doctors Team

Dr Imtiaz Alam Afridi

Dr Imtiaz Alam Afridi

Medical Specialist,life Style Medicine Specialist and Rheumatology Specialist
Dr. Faridullah Khan

Dr. Faridullah Khan

Cardiac Surgeon
Maj. Gen. (R) Prof. Dr. Farhan Tuyyab, HI (M)

Maj. Gen. (R) Prof. Dr. Farhan Tuyyab, HI (M)

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
Prof. Dr. Imran Sikander Khan

Prof. Dr. Imran Sikander Khan

Orthopaedic Surgeon
Prof. Dr. Inayatullah Khan

Prof. Dr. Inayatullah Khan

Consultant Neurosurgeon
Brig. (R) Dr. Nadir Ali, SI (M)

Brig. (R) Dr. Nadir Ali, SI (M)

Consultant Haematologist
Dr. Umar Zia Khan

Dr. Umar Zia Khan

Consultant Orthopedics Surgeon
Dr. Tanseer Asghar

Dr. Tanseer Asghar

General, Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgeon
Brig. (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akmal

Brig. (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akmal

Consultant Urologist
Dr. Altaf Hussain

Dr. Altaf Hussain

ENT Surgeon
Prof. Dr. Asif Asghar

Prof. Dr. Asif Asghar

Consultant Chest Surgeon
Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services Explore all Dr. Team
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